Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bored. Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored.

I'm bored.

It's one of those very rare moments when all of my family are home and awake and I have a serious case of the CBF's. (for the uninitiated, that stands for can't be f.....! ) There are a gazillion things I could or should be doing but none of them seem even remotely interesting enough to inspire me. I'm finding myself sitting here refreshing my Facebook and Twitter pages, praying that someone, somewhere is doing something so I might be able to comment or at least covertly observe (AKA stalk) them doing it and live vicariously, just for a moment, through them. But as I look at the top of my screen, there are no magical little numbers on the tabs letting me know that the rest of the world is not as bored as I am. So it seems the rest of the world either IS as bored as I am or they are so busy doing something so exciting or interesting that they have *gasp* forgotten to tell me via social media. Heaven help me, I might even have to wait till the phone rings and speak to someone to see how they're going and what they're up to.

Or, I hate to even suggest it but I might have to make the effort see someone IN PERSON.

Though if I think about it, that's not likely to happen because I am that person that might always be at every party or social gathering but only because someone rang me and invited me, not because I rang them and said 'hey, been a while, lets blah blah blah'. The odd thing is that it's the first Saturday night in forever that we have had no plans and usually I would love the veg night after so many weeks in a row of going out but I think I have gotten used to my dance card being full.

OOH hang on, a number 2 in brackets just appeared on the Facebook tab, must go check, be right back....

(8 seconds later...)

Okay friends, I appreciate when you 'like' my fb updates but if you don't comment there is still nothing for me to do. *big sigh* Right, where was I? Oh....

So I have a few choices. The first being accept my boredom and learn to deal with it. The problem with this option is that I don't really like being bored. My second option is that I do something. Hmmm. What to do...what to do... The book I'm  reading at the moment is bordering on shite, I refuse to do housework when everyone else in the house is bludging, doing almost any form of exercise means going outside and it's bloody cold outside and I (super-soft-cock-who-lives-in-Melbourne) don't like the cold, my kids have their heads buried in their own things (ipads, laptops and 30 Peppa Pig episodes on Tivo) and the guy who lives at my place has some game of rugby on the telly which means all he hears when I speak is some strange form of annoying feminine white noise.

Or I could just get a drink and keep on typing...

What would you do?

Cheers bloggers!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ok, so I'm a baaaaaad blogger.

I just had a look at the 'edit posts' section of my blog and it seems that for every post I have done, there are 4 more that I have started, never finished or published. I think I have turned into one of 'those' people. You know, those people who hop from one new hobby to another and never really finish anything. I still remember my 18 year old cousin coming over to my house about 15 years ago and upon spotting my dinning table covered in rubber stamps, ink and glitter, said 'Tell me you haven't taken up another hobby?'

It seems I have become a 'gonna' person.

You know the type, I'm gonna de-clutter my house, I'm gonna stop buying shoes I don't absolutely need, I'm gonna go to the gym at least 3 times a week, I'm gonna write in my blog regularly and maybe one day write that book I've been dreaming about writing since year 9 English when I wrote a short story and actually got some praise from Miss Whateverhernamewas.

So tell me bloggers, what is the secret? How am I gonna the habit of hitting the 'publish' button?

For those of you curious, this post also ended up in the 'edit posts' file for 24 hours!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jet lag, the silent killer. (first world problems)

I have jet lag and it's caving my head in.

Maybe I should clarify that. I don't have jet lag, I just want to sleep during the day and stay awake all night. That can't be jet lag right? 

The guy who lives at my place and I got back from the most fabulous holiday in the UK on Thursday night and now it's Sunday night and my eyes and skin are burning like I did vodka shots for breakfast. In fact, maybe it's just a delayed hangover from the morning after the opening ceremony of the London Olympics where I actually did do that. I think. Or maybe it's just and insomnia/age thing. But not jet lag. Definitely.

I just checked out twitter and there are all these people bitching about being awake at 5:45am and suffering from #jetlag. 5:45am is a freakin sleep in people, not jet lag.

I mean it WAS a 26 hour flight home and we DID cross more time zones than most think is humanly possible but that couldn't be jet lag.

In fact it could be a reaction to having my in laws over today where my father in law, who happens to be from the UK but I'm 99% sure has never set foot in London, sat here with his iphone out googling shit, telling me or better yet, correcting me on what I'd seen and done. It could be that.

Or maybe it's sleep envy cos the guy who lives at my place fell asleep at 6.30pm and will most likely sleep through where as I will be lucky to get 3 hours. Which would be 1 more than last night. it could be that.

Or maybe it's cos I just read that Jennifer Hawkins is suffering from jet lag and is going for a 30 minute run to cure it. Even if I HAD jet lag, the only way I'd run for 30 minutes would be if someone was chasing me with a knife (wouldn't bother if they had a gun cos I'm never gonna outrun a bullet). And even then, said knife holder would clearly be rather unlucky to have not caught me in 30 minutes. 

Or maybe I have a virus that is making me want to stay awake at night and therefore sleep during the day.

Yeah that must be it.


The guy who lives at my place with me and probably the only ugly view from the London Eye.